This is the breeding is what Ive been waiting 2 years to make. This will encompass the 1996, 2002, 2003, and 2004 Dogs of the Year under one roof. It also showcases two absolute specimens of BULLDOG.
Machobear II is an absolute ANIMAL. He s also an example of three of the best strains of Bolio-Tombstone (Hollingsworth-Buck-and TonkaBear) with 4 of the best redboy-Jocko strains (Yellow-Daisy Mae-Awesome Baby-Deadlift.) The bottom side adds the last piece of the puzzle. The littermate to Ch.Littlebuck bred to Gr.Ch.Awesome Beast bred to Ch.Max. Ch.Max is by far the most winning son of Machobuck. (RIP) This adds some of the Roger Crabb Bolio-Tombstone blood , the Patrick's toothless Jack blood with a touch of old school Clouse blood and a daughter of Poncho that was double bred on Ch.Hammer. On the redboy-Jocko side it adds some of the Termite stuff, the Gainey's Jr stuff, and The Golden Girl ROM gyp that sired 3 champions when bred to Mayday. Ladies and gentleman, this breeding has a cauldron of the best redboy-jocko Bolio tombstone dogs that have looked through a collar in the past 20 years. (832)423-6665