POSTED: 2009-12-27
LAST MODIFIED: 2015-04-19
SOON / 313-208-0018 Bullyson produced many great dogs that produced
themselves. Let\'s think about it he produced Midnight Cowboy, Chivo, Buster,
Stomper, Bullyson Jr., Arty, to name a few that produced their own lines. Now
Chinaman\'s grandsire was Bullysons brother Eli Jr. who produced the likes of Gr
Ch Art. Bullyson shows on paper to be the sire of the best producing bitch to
ever look threw a collar. Also bitches like Bloody Sunday, and Piggy.
Here\'s what Jerry Clemmon\'s had to say about the Bullyson vs Benny Bob
I tried to ignore the silly ramblings of the Dallas Guru, (Don
Mayfeild), about Bullyson, but since he invited me to, I will tell the whole
story about Bullyson\'s last match.
Maurice Carver talked Red Wallings
into buying Bullyson with the agreement that Carver would breed him an collect
all stud fees, and in return would condition him for match. Bullyson was "open
to match" and I never once heard that Don wanted to match into Bullyson. Finally
Rich H. matched into him. Maurice heard that Leo Kinard might help condition
Benny Bob. Maurice gave Leo a dog called Buck (ELI JR. X BRENDY) that he bought
from me, not to help them. Leo said he wasn\'t in on it but he took BUCK away,
for breeding purposes. All through Bullysons conditioning/, Maurice would call
me ask if I thought one more breeding him would hurt him. He even bred him the
day before the . A week before the Maurice brought Bullyson to the
hospital that I worked at, as a labratory technition, and I did a blood count on
him. His hematocrit was 33% and his lips had stiches holding them to his gums
where he had chewed out of a chain link fence. Red Walling said he wasn\'t going
to pay forfit as I suggested and would take him to the in an ambulance if he had
Well, Benny Bob got deep into Bullysons flank . Carver gave up the
as Bullyson could not even try to get over the wall as Don said! I did not
step in and pick him up as he was not my dog to pick up. He most definately did
not quit. Maurice Carver told me that the vet they had took Bullyson to, did an
autopsy on Bullyson and said that his kidneys were all torn lose inside.
Well, that is the real truth about Bullyson and YES! My dog\'s pedigrees
are full of Bullyson, ELI JR., and proud of it! Jerry Clemmons !!!!!