Yogi, this is not rocket science... it's a no brainer! You have a matching pair on your yard, a Honeybunch male & my Honeybunch gyp, make the breeding!!!
This is a linebred Honeybunch breeding top & bottom, so tight, it's as if Honeybunch, herself was the dam to this litter. Honeybunch was bred by the infamous Maurice Carver & sold to Irish Jerry as a pup to which Jerry campaigned her to become a champion. Honeybunch was sired by the world famous Walling's Bullyson & out of Carver's Amber, a double bred granddaughter of the legendary Black Widow.
Jerry later sold Ch. Honeybunch to James Crenshaw who then made her to become the greatest producing female of all times. Honeybunch is in the pedigrees of many famous pit dogs & top producers of modern time. Honeybunch was the dam of to perhaps the greatest sporting dog of all times, Crenshaw's Ch. Jeep. If this breeding is made, I'm certain it won't be the last we'll see of the great Honeybunch legacy.